

Picek, Oliver (2020), “Spillover effects of Next Generation EU.” Intereconomics, Volume 55, Number 5, pp. 325–331

Picek, Oliver (2020), “Eine Jobgarantie für Österreichs Langzeitarbeitslose.” Momentum Quarterly, 9 (2), 50-126. Working paper version Slides

Picek, Oliver and Enno Schröder (2018), “Spillover Effects of Germany’s Final Demand on Southern Europe.” World Economy, 41 (8), 2216–2242.  Slides

Picek, Oliver (2018), “Gesamtwirtschaftliche Beschränkungen der Beschäftigungspolitik in Österreich (Macroeconomic constraints of employment policy in Austria).” Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 44 (3). Slides

Picek, Oliver (2018), “Kann nationale Konjunkturpolitik noch Beschäftigung schaffen? (Can expansionary fiscal policy still create jobs in Austria?).” Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 180.

Working papers

Picek, Oliver and Enno Schröder (2017), “Euro Area Imbalances: How Much Could an Expansion in the North Help the South?” IMK Working Paper 180.  Slides

Picek, Oliver (2017), “The Magic Square of Economic Policy Measured by a Macroeconomic Performance Index.” New School Economics Department Working Paper Series. 2/2017, February.

Picek, Oliver (2015), “A National Public Bank to Finance a Euro Zone Government: Getting the Funds for Investment and Recovery Packages.” New School Economics Department Working Paper Series. 12/2015, June.  Slides

Work in progress

Picek, Oliver and Bozena Bobkova (2017), “The Unit Labor Cost Argument in the Eurozone Competitiveness Debate: Not so Wrong for Exports After All.”  Slides

Policy Papers and Reports

Jakob Sturn and Oliver Picek (2023), „Höhere Löhne durch einen höheren Mindestlohn„, Momentum Institut Policy Briefs 05/2023

Joel Tölgyes and Oliver Picek (2023), „Die Profit-Preis Spirale in Österreich„, Momentum Institut Policy Briefs 01/2023

Thedoropoulou, Sotiria, Oliver Picek and Bela Galgoczi, „Macroeconomic developments in Europe: tackling the growth, inequality and climate change challenges“, Chapter 1 of „Benchmarking Working Europe 2019“ published by the ETUI

Buczko, Christina, Stefan Giljum, Michaela Hickersberger, Friedrich Hinterberger, Oliver Picek, Elke Pirgmaier, Klemens Riegler, Margit Schratzenstaller, Andrea Stocker, and Josef Thoman (2010), “Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaftsordnung – Wissenschaftliches Hintergrundpapier (The Ecosocial Market Economy – Scientific Background Paper).”

Picek, Oliver and Margit Schratzenstaller (2008), “Ziele und Optionen der Steuerreform: Vermögensbezogene Steuern (Goals and Options of the Current Fiscal Reforms: Property Taxes and Wealth-based Taxation).” Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO).

Schulmeister, Stephan, Margit Schratzenstaller, and Oliver Picek (2008), “A General Financial Transaction Tax – Feasibility and Effects.” Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO).

Schratzenstaller, Margit, Oliver Picek, Helfried Bauer, Siegfried Ott, Claus Staringer, Sabine Heidenbauer, and Michael Höllbacher (2008), “Reform der Grundsteuer nach dem „Grazer Modell“ (A Reform of the Land Tax: The Graz Model).” Report for the Association of Austrian Cities (Städtebund).

Berghuber, Bernd, Oliver Picek, and Margit Schratzenstaller (2007), “Perspektiven der Erbschafts- und Schenkungssteuer in Österreich (Perspectives for the Inheritance and Gift Tax in Austria).” Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO).